About Me

Hello! I'm a U.S. based developer recently focused on microservice backend development. Prior, I was a fullstack and frontend dev for many years. I have worked for major corporations and small startups as well. Below are a few of my repositories which I hope are useful or fun! Contact me: hellolooshi [at] pm.me

Terminal next to browser devtools

Looshi's Local Logger

LLL is a command line program which allows you to view terminal output in a browser's devtools.

npm logoView on npm github logoView on Github
User Interface with ability to add mp3 tags and convert mp3

Encoder Dog

Convert audio files to mp3 directly in the browser. Add mp3 tags and album art.

Looshi logoEncoder Dog github logoView on Github
Screenshot of wavetable synth with faders and keyboard

Wavetable Synth

A web audio synth using wavetables.

Looshi logoPlay the Synth github logoView on Github
Screenshot of snake game